The Premier said the sister islands will not be forgotten during these talks.
“I would also like to say that very soon I will be having meetings with the banks in the territory again to get updates on the progress on different areas where we see that they can work in tandem with the Government to help alleviate some of the stress of the people of the Virgin islands through these trying times of COVID-19 and also other areas to help our sister islands,” Honourable Fahie said during a press conference on Friday, November 26, 2021.
Meanwhile, Premier Fahie said customers of Banco Popular on Virgin Gorda will soon see extended hours for their convenience.
“I have had discussions with many persons, elected persons in my government, we have also had discussions on the matter of the Banco Popular in Virgin Gorda (VG) in terms of their hours.”
“And, we are pleased to report that Banco Popular is moving with haste to have this matter rectified and should be rectified within the next two weeks at the most if not before. That is what has been reported to me so we can look forward to the hours of the bank in VG to be extended.”
He did not say how many more hours will be added on, nonetheless, the extension would benefit residents of the island immensely being the only bank operating there at the moment.