In a speech given before Donald Trump's inauguration, Bailey calls for global collaboration to mitigate the dangers of economic nationalism.
Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey has urged global economic leaders, especially the United States and China, to resist economic nationalism in a speech delivered shortly before the inauguration of U.S. President-elect
Donald Trump.
In his speech, Bailey stressed the significance of global cooperation, noting that it tends to succeed when economic gains are distributed fairly.
He raised concerns that differing philosophical approaches between the U.S. and China might hinder effective global collaboration.
Bailey cautioned that a world with growing inequality and instability could make collective efforts more challenging and less likely to succeed.
Previously, the International Monetary Fund had warned that unilateral actions, such as trade tariffs and subsidies, could harm all countries involved.
Bailey also emphasized that global cooperation shouldn't be limited to times of acute crisis, like the 2007-08 financial crisis.
He warned that rising vulnerabilities and the need for coordinated solutions make it essential to avoid a shift towards crisis-driven multilateralism.
In the text of his prepared speech, Bailey did not comment on the current outlook for the British economy or the Bank of England's monetary policy.