According to reports, the CTL Building at Pasea has been closed for mold cleaning and maintenance; however, teachers were required to switch to online schooling today.
Our newsroom was told that some teachers; however, did not sign in to their virtual classrooms.
Meanwhile, the BVI Teachers Union has said it supports the strike action taken by teachers.
“The Executive Committee of the British Virgin Islands Teachers’ Union, stands with the teachers of this territory. Our teachers are tired and frustrated, our cries though acknowledged, seem to be falling on deaf ears.
“We the teachers of the Virgin Islands have always gone above and beyond for our students of the territory; many times sacrificing ourselves. The conditions of our schools and the treatment of our teachers must be a priority and not a reaction. Today we are guided by the declaration, ‘Our working conditions and our environments are our students’ learning conditions and environment,’” the Union wrote in a statement published on October 27, 2021.
More details to follow.