Some of our own people have no good intentions for us - Fraser
Opposition Leader Julian Fraser has argued that some residents of the BVI have deliberately reserved ill-will for locals and may not want to see the territory achieve self-determination.
Legislators were at the time debating amendments to the terms of reference for the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) in the House of Assembly (HOA).
“There are some people among us who has no good intentions for us,” Fraser said. “Everything is too good for us, and the person right next to them is the most gentle person that you would ever find. They don’t know who they’re with. They don’t know who they’re hanging out with.”
Fraser argued that the locals need to remain focused and not allow others to distract them. He pointed to the success of BVI Olympic athlete Kyron McMaster, and hailed him as a local hero.
The legislator said McMaster will one day bring an Olympic medal back to the BVI.
“So those same people who don’t think that we amount to anything, we’re showing them,” Fraser said. “It’s us, we, our own selves, are keeping ourselves back because we’re not focused enough. There is nothing — when I say nothing, I mean nothing — we can’t achieve.”
In the meantime, as remedies to that perceived malady, Fraser suggested that the first step is for locals to start supporting each other. He said the next step would be for locals to stop hating each other.
“Don’t believe all the stupid things you hear on the street,“ the Opposition Leader urged. “Don’t believe it. Believe in yourselves and believe in your people.”