Local media, St. Vincent Times, however, has reported that Prime Minister Timothy S. Harris has assured that the country remains stable.
The announcement, given in a statement on Thursday, April 21, 2022, comes in response to questions raised about the veracity of his leadership and other issues within Team Unity, which have now been made public.
Mr. Mark Brantley, in an interview on Freedom FM Radio, said that members of parliament representing (PAM and CCM) 7 out of the 11 members of parliament have written to the Governor-General to inform him that Prime Minister Timothy Harris does not have the support of the majority of the members to continue as Prime Minister.
Sir Samuel Weymouth Tapley Seaton, Governor-General, said Thursday he will await formal legal advice before taking action on a letter sent to him by seven government legislators indicating that they do not have confidence in Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dr. Timothy Harris.
He acknowledged receipt “of a communication addressed to me” that bears no date in his letter to the legislators, among them Deputy Prime Minister Shawn Richards and Nevis Premier Mark Brantley.
“I note the request contained therein. Consistent with my duty to seek formal legal advice, I wish to advise that I will do so and revert to you at the earliest,” said the two-paragraph letter.
Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the People's Action Movement, Shawn K. Richards another partner in the coalition has also called for the removal of Mr Harris in supporting the letter to the Governor-General that they have lost confidence in the Prime Minister.