Calling the opportunity a 'low hanging fruit' to boost the economy, Opposition Member, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull aka 'Mitch' says he is against a COVID-19 stimulus package plan where cash is put directly into the hands of citizens rather than businesses.
"If we in terms of the stimulus plan, if we start to plug back in funds and funding to the businesses and the systems within the government that operates and generates revenue to businesses owners... for example in healthcare, in the construction [industry] and those who may have had contacts with government," he said the economy can get going.
Hon Turnbull was at the time speaking at an Opposition held online discussion with community members, yesterday, Tuesday, May 26, 2020, in the boardroom of the House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands.
He said businesses can directly influence the economy if they are stimulated enough and monies are funnelled directly to the commercial sector. "I think that will be a good generation of revenue and allow us to move forward with the economy."