Dr Pickering appeared as a guest on the February 8, 2021, edition of Honestly Speaking where the publication was condemned for its contents which, according to Skelton-Cline, perpetuates a culture of scandal and gossip in the VI.
While the publication in question was not named, Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) understands the document in question is entitled Virgin Islands National Breaking News.
Dr Pickering commenting on the subject said, “You know the former Premier of this country [Dr D. Orlando Smiht] says that it [VI] was a country that was a little university- long on rumours and short on facts.”
He added, “and by the way, I side with you with condemning gossip [and] the hurtful things that people say about others with no recourse,” he added.
Yes, I side with you in doing that. And for those who would otherwise listen, the way to kill gossip is not to repeat it, just don't repeat it [and] it dies a natural death”
According to Skelton-Cline, the VI should be doing better instead of gossiping. He also called on authorities to investigate the source of the publication.
To the people of the VI he said, “You are better than this and when you come across this kind of material, you ought to cut it off at the very root,” he added.