The protestors expressed concern with the set up of the Constitutional Review Committee and that the Governor has a hand in it and that the UK appears to be holding a gun at the head of the Virgin Islands, over the implementation of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report Recommendations.
“I feel like things are bit out of control in the BVI. We know that we’ve made some mistakes, we’ve agreed to work with the UK to rectify those mistakes. Those mistakes were focused on good governance, corruption in office. That has nothing to do with our constitution and where we would like to go as a people, so we feel that the UK is overstepping that authority. There are a lot of agendas at play, it’s very uncomfortable and it feels to me and a lot of other people that there is a transfer of power.”
According to Rosan, the people fought for the government to change their direction but it seems the UK is instead taking over the reins of power.
“So what is it that we’re really working here for? Are we really working to better this territory or is it a transfer of power?”
The protestors said they are uncomfortable feeling like a gun has been placed at the head of the VI.
Rosan said she had been given a pass to the press conference as a representative of Tola Radio and she would be seeking some answers from Governor John J. Rankin, CMG.