“Today I give thanks to all mothers, whether you gave birth, adopted a child who needed love of perhaps you are a guardian, wife or aunt or God mother. Regardless of how motherhood came to be I thank God for all of you,” Premier Fahie stated in his Mother’s Day Message today, May 9, 2021.
The Premier and First District Representative said mothers have a special place in his heart because, for many of us, whether it is tough love, selfless love or embracing love, the unconditional love for a mother to a child is irreplaceable.
“I was raised by a praying mother, a strong woman who was not afraid to make sacrifices, even if it meant allowing other mothers throughout this territory to help shape and mould me. I was also raised by a caring mother who also became a mother to so many…” Premier Fahie said, while also expressing gratitude to his wife, who is also a mother.
Hon Fahie noted; however, that he is aware there may be some persons who may not have good relationships with their mothers in their lives and he called for such relationships to be mended.
“In this new regular let us make amends. Let us put down the shield, let us put down pride. Instead let us reawaken our hearts and reach out to that mother in your life and turn bitterness into happiness.
“Let us reboot that broken relationship with that mother and turn mistakes into success. Let us create a new regular hinged on God’s word, regardless of what happened in the past. We will give so that we can break the cycle of separation and allow for connectivity and connection. And for every time that you share a smile in this marathon of a new relationship with whomever you call mother you can take a moment to celebrate every lap where success was achieved.”
For those who have lost their mothers, Premier Fahie asked them to reflect on the “many traits that continue to remind you of them” and smile.
Hon Fahie also hailed mothers of the First District, “women who are not afraid to tell me like it is but I love them nonetheless.”