The OECS Director, appearing on an episode of the Narrative with Calistra Farrier on October 27, 2022, said the method is almost as if the United Kingdom (UK) wants to control and direct the VI at the same time.
“The approach being taken by the British in the situation, it's almost like you know you have a child at your home that you're trying to correct and direct, yet you say that you're doing that to lead them to self-determination.”
Comparing the situation to the education system, he said while there is a debate on discipline and correctness in the school system, some people are calling for rigid imposition of discipline, which he says may not be the best approach.
“I think it's the wrong focus. What we need to focus on is not enforcing discipline but on teaching responsibility and by giving young people the opportunity to be responsible,” he said as an example of the UK/VI relationship.
Dr Didacus hinted that a Governor headed country that would come with the suspension of the local constitution cannot be the best way forward.
“The unilateral determination of issues by a British Governor cannot be more abiding and superior to an elected government making decisions and being held accountable by the people of the BVI.”
Demonstration against the possible imposition of direct rule by the United Kingdom (UK) on Monday, May 2, 2022.
Although the United Kingdom has held back
on suspending the Virgin Islands constitution, many believe the
Governor is using the Order in Council to suspend the VI Constitution to
manipulate the elected government. Some have gone as far as saying the
governor is the puppet master and the government the puppets.