Fourth District Representative and experienced legislator Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool says the 2023 Budget presented by the coalition government is one that all in the Virgin Islands (VI) should be proud of and is an indicator that the Territory has been managing its own affairs.
Hon Vanterpool was at the time speaking at the Continuation of the Ninth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom on December 20, 2022, when he said that the VI managing its own affairs should be a precursor for the UK to grant the VI independence of their own without the people the VI having to ask for it.
Let the people of the VI go - Hon Vanterpool
“I want to say to the United Kingdom… Like the lord sent Moses to speak to Pharaoh, I want to say to the United Kingdom, let my people go.
“Mr Speaker, I'm saying it this way because I'm not going in the direction where I'm saying to my people that we should ask to be let go. I'm saying to you [UK], let our people go… the time has come when colonialism must stop. It must be ended in the Caribbean because it has ended all over the world,” he said.
Hon Vanterpool reiterated that the people of the VI should not have to go to the UK begging for independence, as colonialism is over.
“We still have to be told what to do… I'm asking the United Kingdom to wake up with your own conscience,” he added.
According to Hon Vanterpool, the VI has made mistakes just as the UK has made mistakes, as evident in a roster of recent Prime Ministers.
“We cannot go to the Kingdom and tell the people what to do. Therefore, the people of the United Kingdom should not have the right to tell us what to do. Get out of it, even our people here in serious positions should stop thinking that way and realise that we have been managing our affairs for a number of years,” he added.
Senior Legislator in the Virgin Islands
House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Mark H. Vanterpool has called on the UK to
free the people of the VI to handle their own affairs.
VI not colonial slaves anymore - Hon Vanterpool
“United Kingdom, let my people go, we are not colonial slaves anymore. We are not people who can't think for ourselves,” the seasoned legislator and successful businessman reiterated.
According to Hon Vanterpool, the VI is being whipped psychologically by the United Kingdom, which is seeking to impose things like capital punishment, same-sex marriage, and legislation that still have to be assented to by the Governor.
“That is colonialism, assent by a colonial master to do what you want for your country,” he said.