Department director Brenda Lettsome-Tye gave that indication when she appeared before the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) late last year.
She said the department needed to fill at least three positions for 2020 and said it would cost the government $112,412. These positions include Senior Programme Officer for Youth and for Sports, as well as Youth Officers.
“The Senior Programme Officer for Youths and the Senior Programne Officer for Sports – formally Assistant Directors – have been vacant since 2016.
“Request for funding was granted in 2018 and request for advertising were made in 2018 and 2019, but the posts were not advertised,” she added.
“There were currently two vacant positions of Programme Officer for Youths. Requests were made for advertisements but the posts had not been advertised. Currently, there are only three of eight technical positions that are filled,” Director Lettsome-Tye told the SFC.