During the August 4 Emancipation Service that was held at the Sunday Morning Well, the Fourth District Representative after speaking of the horrors of slavery, explained that it was a trade that was economically driven, and that to this day some are still economically enslaved. He however urged the Territory to continue to evolve and stated that the discussion of constitutional advancement is part of that process.
In that speech, the District Representative, like he has been stating for the last eight years, declared that self determination should be considered.
In making this suggestion, he said, "The continuous progress towards managing our own affairs must be our focus, which requires constitutional upgrades, such as those that are due now 12 years since the last constitution review in 2007."
Hon. Vanterpool noted that the Premier has promised to invite all the members of the House of Assembly to a meeting to discuss the constitution’s review, and he noted that this was a move in the right direction.
"I thank our Premier for continuing…and making the promise as we had done before, that very soon we would get into those talks of constitutional upgrade in the Virgin Islands,” Hon. Vanterpool said.
Meanwhile, the Fourth District Representative said that the Territory should continue to better itself.
"We must build on our institutions and make them stronger, we must stamp out corruption, we must develop our people and we must unite as one. We must unite as one people here in the Virgin Islands...Saying education is key might be a cliche, but so be it because education is key to our development and self determination,” he added.