“As an update, your government is seeking to purchase a super sub-zero cold storage facility that would be required for the storage of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines,” Hon Malone said during a live COVID-19 update on social media and radio yesterday, September 20, 2021.
He said the British Government has also pledged to supply all the amounts of both vaccines required for eligible persons, including the school-aged children from 12 to 17.
In the interim, Minister Malone said the territory would be working closely with the US Virgin Islands (USVI) to continue with the vaccination partnership efforts “until our facilities are completed here.”
“To date, the vaccination rate stands at 49.2 % representing 14,764 persons being registered as fully vaccinated. Another 2,629 persons await their second doses, which once completed, the number of persons being fully vaccinated will be 57.9%, representing 17,393 persons,” he said.
The Health Minister said while these figures are headed in the right direction, the fact remains that the VI is seeking to obtain a fully vaccinated goal of 75 % of its population, which will represent 32,500 persons.
“We are not there yet!” however, “The UK Government continues to honour its pledge to supply the total number of AstraZeneca vaccine doses required for all eligible persons residing in the VI,” Hon Malone stated.