Seems like the whole world is falling apart – Not just our Premier chasing bones in the brook but a constant beat of conflict and confusion… Russia vs Ukraine, UK vs EU, America vs America and Everywhere against Anywhere… Even Hell and Heaven claim Domestic Violence as Rain pours and Sun shines… They took us out of Africa and since we are not going back, Africa’s Sahara is coming to us – dust by dust and grain by grain.
Welcome to a World where Everything is bottom up - We are promised Business and Consumer Protection while systematically killing off Businesses… Similarly, promised Farmers Market after destroying Agriculture and, erecting ‘bigger than life’ High Schools without assessing the value and subsequent costs… No wonder they ask us to be quiet and let things work themselves out… Wonder if they are using NHI as a role model.
However, reality is reality and, we may call a pig a goat or call a cow a camel but that does not change their form or character, and, until we change in form and character, we too shall be just what we are… Thankfully, not all will be slave masters – some will strive to do good even, as others choose to be bad and long for the days when man was more beast than angel… I warned that Trump was such a threat but very few believed.
Most thought, removing him would be a simple matter and wrong would be put right - they were mistaken. Today, his lasting influence has retarded the World for generations to come, as, his Supreme Court Judges returned America to the gunslinging Wild West, with mass shootings to become the norm… In addition, in their claim of making America Great again; they stripped Women of the Basic Rights over their own Bodies.
Persons may overlook the Slavery connection to this, unless they understood that Slaves were Property and getting Children increased the Slave Master’s Property value; with no terminations allowed… The Good Old Days simply meant Government sponsored Inequality where, Persons knew wrong from right but, chose the wrongs they thought were in their interest; for as long as we allowed them by playing blind, deaf and dumb.
Actions do speak louder than words and while Prince Charles – Potential King – openly acknowledges the lingering atrocities of Slavery, it is merely talk without the necessary moves to repair or compensate for the long-lasting effects of Slavery… We are still being conditioned to be dumb enough to believe that Rulers will take care of us, even as we see the ongoing dances and deceptions of both Local and Foreign Politicians.
Their game is to sweeten their Promises by saying that our People deserve better, then once we hang our lips of expectancy, the drip-drip stops… Have seen this Dance before and have always believed that we deserved better… For that reason, you have never heard me complain of the Chief minister removing me from his Cabinet – Clearly, we saw things differently but, I never stopped fighting for the People.
Furthermore, it still remains my belief that our People and Country should never be for sale and just as UK has a right to her Agenda, we should have a right to ours; provided it is fair to all concerned... All things being considered, it seems unreasonable that we would know more about the Former Premier’s arrest and trial, than we do about the final COI agreements and conditions that were made between the UK and VI Governments.
Promising to give us their version village by village, suggests that we are still considered as unable to read for ourselves… Thankfully, not all of us will accept the doctored CoI proposed Conditions and until we see and peruse the signed Agreement, we should trust nothing… Furthermore, if you read Item IX on Page 22 of the currently available Document, you may be shocked by its financial uselessness to the People of the VI.
Again, the signed Document should be made available, then, if they want to explain it - village by village - that makes more sense and we may even agree… However, UK’s record of fooling our Politicians is not new… I have often told you how our Leaders agreed with the UK, against us having a New Hospital, New Beef Island Bridge and UK Citizenship and Passports… Sometimes we seem no more than Puppets for the UK.
Unfortunately, in our quest to be fooled and entertained, we are quick to overlook the Puppet Masters even when we see the Strings being pulled - We seem proud to focus on what they want us to see, while ignoring the orders coming from the back… This same conditioning could equally apply to a black-owned Chinese Restaurant in Jamaica, and the Slave Trade of our African Ancestors… We are just not supposed to think.
We remain shackled to the Slave mentality, that taught us to console ourselves by believing, we were born to suffer – A mentality that taught us that the meek will inherit the Earth and all the sufferings we now face will be replaced by Fairness, Justice and Rewards, but, only after we die - This same mentality programmes us crucify anyone who dares question ‘for sale’ Politicians, who will cheat us and sell out their own mothers.
Sometimes it sounds hopeless and it may be hard for Leaders to correct Civil Servants when they are too afraid of being exposed… Luckily, you the People, are the real Power for, practically nothing can be done without you… All needed to improve your lives, is to gather the information - whether through listening or reading - and then making the effort to hold your leaders accountable – That is all it takes and, yes you can.
Politicians and Oppressors know this so from time to time they pressure Radio Stations, Internet Carriers or Print Media from transmitting the knowledge that could enlighten or liberate you… This same Suppression of Information was used to keep our Forefathers in Slavery and though the things I tell you may seem ahead of your time; that is just History repeating itself, and, the Messages are as important as they are real – Believe!