Premier Andrew Fahie said he hopes the contract for the Elmore Stoutt Redevelopment Project is ready to be signed by the winning bidder by Thursday.
Fahie was speaking at a press conference late last week where he said all the bids from the different contractors were received on March 22.
The Premier said all the bids have been submitted to the Recovery Development Agency (RDA) for the evaluation process.
“The RDA is doing this assessment independent of any political influence with the highest level of accountability, transparency and good governance. So, we are waiting for the analysis for the contracts by the RDA but what I can tell the public is that the RDA is working very expeditiously to complete this process so that we can have this contract signed by March 31, 2022, at the Elmore Stoutt High School ground at 3 pm,”
Fahie said.
The Premier noted the contract documents have been drafted already and the standard templates will be used.
“Once the contractors are selected it will be just to insert the names and relevant information and the documents would be ready for signatures. While we await the RDA’s determinations on the bid, your government wishes to thank all contractors who bid for the project, and we wish for them good luck in the evaluation process,”
Fahie noted.
“I also must thank the government for their support in this endeavour especially Dr Natalio Wheatley, Deputy Premier and the Minister of Education and his entire team at the Ministry of Education,” the Premier added.
Fahie then emphasised that the process is independent and transparent and is being conducted by the RDA. He noted no elected officials is involved whether directly or indirectly in this selection process.